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English for the Common Law Volume I is part one of a two volume interactive series dedicated to the area of legal English and the common law.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_accordion active_tab= »false » collapsible= »yes »][vc_accordion_tab title= »Who will benefit from the book? »][vc_column_text]
Who will benefit from the book?
English for the Common Law Volume 1 is written for the benefit of:
- law and business professionals with an intermediate to advanced level in English seeking to improve their level in legal English;
- law students at Masters (M1/M2) or Bar exam level;
- translators and translation students specialized in legal English;
- business students; and
- students intending to study abroad in an Anglophone country.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title= »What is the aim of the book? »][vc_column_text]
What is the aim of the book?
The aim of the book is to allow non-Anglophone professionals and students to improve their level of legal English and thus to perform better at work. With this aim in mind, the book seeks to allow students to develop an understanding of the nature of the common law and the legal system in the United States, United Kingdom and European Union.[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title= »How is the eBook organized? »][vc_column_text]
How is the eBook organized?
Upon purchasing a book the student will receive: an e-version of the book containing 10 chapters.
Each chapter is organized in the following way:
- Information text In each chapter there are two discussion texts outlining the specific theme under discussion.
- The first text is a one-page summary introducing the student to the theme discussed in that specific chapter. This text has been developed for the benefit intermediate level students and its purpose is to allow them acquire the necessary linguistic understanding so that they are able to access the second more detailed discussion text.
- The second text is a more in-depth discussion of the subject under discussion. The purpose of this text is both to develop students’ understanding of the common law and more importantly their legal English vocabulary. Technical and difficult vocabulary is highlighted in both the first and second text and translated into French so as to allow students better understanding.
- Both texts are followed by exercises allowing the student to test their knowledge.
- Grammar section In each chapter, the main English grammar themes are revisited, for example:
- how different tenses are formed;
- a look at modal auxiliaries;
- using but + auxiliary verbs;
- how to use mid-sentence adverbs etc.
This is to allow students to brush up on grammar, probably not looked at since school. Each grammar section is presented in a clear accessible style allowing the reader maximum benefit. There are grammar tests also available to allow students to test their knowledge.
- Translation section. The students newly acquired vocabulary is then tested in six short translation texts (From English to his/her own language and from his/her own language to English). As in the case of the main text, the purpose is not just to improve and develop vocabulary but also to improve the translator’s knowledge of the area of law in question and to demonstrate how legal technical vocabulary is used.
- Specialist text. Having worked their way through the previous sections, readers will then be in a position to tackle the specialized text set out at the end of each chapter. This text deals with a specific topic linked to the main discussion in section discussed above. This section allows readers to further develop both their understanding the law and above all their mastery of legal English.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][/vc_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Having completed the book, readers will not only have acquired a significant technical vocabulary in the areas that have been studied but will also have developed an understanding of the common law. As a result, they will be able to use the acquired vocabulary in work and study situations, improving their overall professional/academic performance.
For just 5.99€ more you can get this book plus its corresponding Online Learning Course.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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